Each room is equipped with a projector with a HDMI connector.
Presenters can use their own laptops or the provided room laptop (equipped with PowerPoint, and Acrobat).
Presenters not using their laptops are to bring their presentation files (in a format compatible with one of the above applications) in a USB thumb drive.
Arrive 15 minutes before your session to introduce yourself to the session chair and test your laptop connection and slides.
Each talk will last for 15 minutes, consisting of 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A session.
Session chairs will strictly enforce the time limit; overrunning is not permitted.
Presenters must make themselves available at the times of the poster presentation sessions.
Presenters are to print and bring your poster to the Conference.
Presenters should report to the poster help desk to verify your poster board number at the Conference and to collect available poster mounting materials.
Please use only the poster board that displays the same number assigned to you.
The dimensions of the poster should be in A1 size, and NOTexceed 60cm wide x 90cm high, in portrait format.
Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions specified. It is recommended that poster be prepared on one sheet.
Please allocate the top of the poster for the submission ID, title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
Posters must be written and presented in English.
Text, illustrations and all content should be clear enough to be read from a distance of two meters.
At the end of the day, presenters must remove their posters from the poster boards. The Organising Committee reserves the right to dispose all posters that are not removed after each poster session.